Last Sunday (14th Feb) I was speaking at Queen’s Road Church in Wimbledon.
When I prayed for the sick, one woman came to the mic to report that she’d been healed of “calcified tendonitis” in her shoulder. This had been causing her so much pain that she’d been vomiting and in hospital. Her husband joined her on stage and explained how much pain his wife had been in. They were both thrilled. It was a very moving experience to see them both so pleased at this apparently immediate healing.
I then prayed for a guy who had hearing loss in one of his ears. He said that whereas previously he could only hear muffled noises through that ear, but not distinct words, he said that after prayer, he could hear distinct words. He also came up and told the church what had happened.
I then preached an evangelistic message, and made an appeal for salvation. 8 people responded and came to the front. I then did a second appeal, and a further 4 responded.
At the end, a different man came up to me and said that his hearing had improved so much that he had had to take his hearing aid out, as the sound had become too loud in the ear he’d had the hearing aid in, because he’d been healed.
It’s great to see people being healed and to see people becoming Christians. I thank God for that, and I am so grateful for the prayer support of many friends.