This Sunday, 28th March, I had a great time at King’s Church, High Wycombe where I preached at two healing guest services. With the clocks going forward an hour, the first service started at 8.30am, so I was praying for the sick at 8.45am. On the previous Friday (26th March) I had been praying hard for healings in the first service. I was kind of praying against a sense of “no-one is going to get healed in the first service, it’s too early,” so I was so grateful to God when immediately 2 men (both called Simon) were healed in the blanket prayer at the start. Both were healed of knee problems and showed what they could now do, which they couldn’t do before. It was very impressive. The only disappointment was that no-one responded for salvation in the first service.
However in the second service, 12 people responded for salvation, including one 90 year old woman, who made a first-time commitment! There were two healings in the second meeting, Linda, who was healed of sciatic pain in her leg, and Carol, who was healed of blood clots on her eyes, which disappeared (she testified that she was due to have laser surgery to remove them).
The church has grown considerably in numbers since I first visited last year and it was great to have my friend Josh Muir with me from Christ Church. We drove back to London feeling excited about how God had broken through to heal and save so publicly.
I was left considering how amazing it is that words that I speak in private prayer, and in public prayer are actually used by God to heal. No-one laid hands on the Simons, yet God broke through.
I preached on John 3:16 and spoke about the parable of the prodigal son towards the end. This is something I have started doing since I was in Glasgow last month, where I felt it worked really well. I usually find people call this sermon, which is actually entitled “God Loves You”, people call it “The Shirts” because I use 4 T shirts as a visual aid in the talk.
So “The Shirts” went well!
We’re off on holiday now to celebrate Julia’s parents’ 40th Wedding Anniversary. We’re going with them and Julia’s sister’s family to Devon.
As Cliff Richard would say . . . “Power to all our friends!”