Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Twenty People Respond for Salvation in Shrewsbury

Twenty People Respond for Salvation in Shrewsbury

Adrian Holloway on October 15, 2010 with 0 Comments

Twenty people responded for salvation across two repeat services in Shrewsbury last Sunday, and we saw some excellent instant healings. The first service started at 9.10am, which meant I was praying for the sick at 9.20am during the worship. Despite the early start, three people were immediately healed in the blanket prayer and came to the mic to give testimony during the worship. We then invited everyone else who wanted healing to come forward, and we saw two more healings (all in the space of 10 minutes). The first was a woman called Becky, who couldn’t stand up straight. It was amazing to see her straighten up. (Her healing has been re-confirmed to me since by one of the elders at Barnabas who showed me a text message from her on his phone on Tuesday. She was still very excited about her healing two days later, as she’d been in a lot of pain.) Then there was a guy called Simon who had had knee pain for 18 years, who said it had 100 per cent gone after I prayed for him. My only sadness was that he was healed too late for him to take the mic and tell us all about it. Anyway, after this I preached on John 3:16, (a talk otherwise known as “The Shirts”) and we had 10 people put their hands up to respond to the salvation appeal. When I invited them to come forward, 16 people came to the front, so Praise God for that!

The second meeting started exactly the same way, with 3 people again testifying to immediate healing in the blanket prayer. I invited them up and all three told us of various pains gone and problems solved. But what really blew me away was at the end of the service, one of the church members came up and said to me: “I brought my parents along today, and I just wanted you to know it was their first time here, and they really enjoyed it. In fact you met them didn’t you?” And I replied: “Did I?”, being fairly sure I hadn’t. Then he said, “yes of course, you did, they came up on the stage when they got healed.” Well that astonished me, because I’d just assumed that this couple who’d been healed so easily, and been brave enough to come on stage straight away and tell us so lucidly about their healing, I’d just assumed they were pillars of the church. So the meeting was more New Testament than I was! I struggled quite a lot in the second sermon and felt I didn’t preach well and made my apologies afterwards. However, 4 people put their hands up, of which two came forward. So all in all there were 20 responses. The pastor, Martin Charlesworth said he thought that 4 of the 20 were people who were re-committing their lives to Christ, so, that could mean as many as 16 first time responses, so that is all very encouraging.

So thank you to all those who are praying for me, and I appreciated your prayers also, the day before on Saturday, when we had a great Front Edge conference. I hugely benefitted from listening to Lex Loizides and did a couple of talks myself.

Overall, across 13 churches who were holding similar healing guest services last Sunday, we saw 70 people respond for salvation, which means that 1453 people have responded for salvation at Front Edge guest services in the UK since we started doing them 4 or 5 years ago!

