Hi everyone,
In August 2004, I was sitting in the car asking God for a “word of knowledge.” I knew that in a few hours time, I was due to speak at an evangelistic/healing meeting at the first Newday. Between 3,000 and 4,000 people were due to be there. Shortly afterwards, standing on the stage, I heard myself say into the microphone: “There’s someone here and you’ve been told that you have endometriosis and that as a result you won’t be able to have children.”
The reason I particularly remember saying this, is that when the word endometriosis popped into my mind, I had no idea what it was. I assumed it was a medical condition. But maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was just random gobbledegook. I had no recollection of ever hearing it before. I didn’t know it was connected to female infertility. I thought: “if I say this, then I will look a fool, because I have no idea what I am talking about.”
Anyway from 2004 to 2010 I forgot all about it, until a woman came up to me recently and said: “Adrian – Remember me?”
I recognized her face, but had no idea who she was. She said that she’d been at Newday in 2004 and that I had brought a word of knowledge for someone who’d been told that they have endometriosis, and that they couldn’t have children as a result.
She told me that she had come to the front of the stage to respond to the word of knowledge as that was exactly her situation.
She said that I had prayed with her – for healing, and I had prayed that if she were to ever meet someone in the future and get married, that she would be able to have children.
Imagine my delight as she then called her husband over and they both showed me their 8 week old daughter!
Praise God!
I hope to be able to share some more details of what happened shortly.
Grace to you,