Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Evangelism and Communicating the Gospel: My Weekend and What’s Coming up.

Evangelism and Communicating the Gospel: My Weekend and What’s Coming up.

Adrian Holloway on November 23, 2010 with 0 Comments

So just to catch up on last week, on Saturday morning, I spoke to the elders of 7 churches in the East Kent region about evangelism and evangelists. Amongst other things, we discussed “what is an evangelist?” with reference to Ephesians 4:11, where Paul says that the evangelist is one of the people gifts God gives to bring the church to maturity. This is all very well in theory, but we got into some real practicalities, and I was delighted at the end by how many people said they felt the 2 hours had “flown by.”

Julia and our 4 girls were with me for the afternoon when we hung out with Tom & Josie Shaw and their 2 children and we even played on the beach at Whitstable. It was so much fun, we even missed X Factor! We are very grateful to our great friends, The Shaws, for putting up with 6 Holloways all day!

On Sunday morning, I drove back to Canterbury, and spoke on “Communicating the Gospel in your World.” City Church, Canterbury is growing quite rapidly, and is going to 2 Sunday services early next year, however they are not seeing as much saved and added growth (apart from in their thriving student work) as they’d like, so it was going to be an evangelistic preach, but got switched into an equipping message instead!

So now I am gearing up for going away this week, with 70 other newfrontiers friends for 2 days of training and envisioning with David Carr from Renewal Church, Solihull (Weds & Thurs) and then I will be with my friends at Grace Church, Chichester for two evangelistic services on Sunday morning. Rather like Canterbury, the Chichester church is growing, and has tremendous momentum. I’ve been there twice before and we’ve even done a house-swap holiday with Steve & Jo Petch, who lead the church. Please pray for many who don’t yet know Christ to come and to respond. I’ve just been on their website, and they’ve billed the morning as me speaking on “The meaning of life is . .  .?” i.e. the current Alpha advertizing campaign. So please pray that God would use me to “fill in the blanks!”

