So, it’s ‘Super Sunday’ for me this coming Sunday, 13th Dec.
At King’s Community Church, Hedge End, I’m speaking at “Big Band” Carols at 9.00am and 11.15am. As people arrive the “Hi Life Big Band” will be performing “Tuxedo Junction” and “In the Mood.”
This could be the most fun I have had since I did a healing meeting at Kerith Community Church, Bracknell where the meeting began with the worship band singing the Black Eyed Peas: “I’ve got a feeling, that tonight’s going to be a good night.” You won’t be surprised to hear the worship band didn’t do all the lyrics, just the hook. It did prove prophetic though – it was a good night, and a number of people got healed and responded to the gospel!
Back to this coming Sunday, “Hi Life” are an 18 piece swing band. Check out the band’s website at http://hilifebigband.org/
Try and imagine “Glenn Miller does Christmas” and I think you’ll get the idea. They’ll be playing a lot of Carols too! There have been around 500 adults there at King’s when I’ve spoken at Hedge End in the past. I think they’ll be expecting more this Sunday.
Then after the two services in Southampton, I will be heading off around 12.30pm to drive up to High Wycombe in Bucks to speak at two more Carol Services at King’s Church. They had my great friend J John speaking at their Carol Services last year, so I hope I can fill his boots! Again the church is one of the larger newfrontiers UK churches with around 500 in attendance. Again it’s a church that I’ve spoken at before, and I am very excited about going back as we’ve been planning this for 6 months.
I am hoping that across all 4 carol services, at the two venues, at least 400 to 600 people who do not normally go to church will hear the gospel. Please pray that I will be able to connect with people instantly and take them on a journey. The Edinburgh Carols went so well on Friday that I feel I am already “in the zone” but this is a unique opportunity, and I want to serve people well. I am so glad someone told me about Jesus!
Let’s not forget that we are in a privileged position in this country. For example, there are now around 9,000 full-time Christian youth workers in the UK, all of whom are allowed access into our schools. Yet in many other parts of Europe, it is illegal for religious workers to gain entry to school premises. Attendance at carol services is rising in the UK, and we had hundreds in the snow in Scotland last weekend. Let’s make the most of Christmas!