A Hypothetical Set of Future Life-Circumstances
Adrian Holloway on January 6, 2011 with 0 CommentsTrust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 If someone could show you now a video of the rest of your life, would you watch it? If you did, and everything turns out OK in the end, then you’d immediately stop worrying about half the things you are worried about. If the video also showed your first 3,000 years in heaven, you’d probably worry even less today. So where are we going wrong? We are leaning on our “own understanding”! We worry because we are so sure about what needs to happen. What job, what relationships, what money, what circumstances etc. We started worrying because we became emotionally attached to a hypothetical future set of life-circumstances. Yet God never guaranteed those circumstances, what God guarantees is that if we will emotionally dis-entangle ourselves from our own understanding and submit to Him, “he will make your paths straight”. Which is what you wanted in the first place! So if God exists, you’d be better off doing your life His way. Non?