[Jesus said]: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow.” (Matthew 6:34) If we obey this verse, what will we think about instead? Let’s think about the good things we have in our life already. Are you healthy? Do you have any family members who love you? Are you living in a country that guarantees you freedom of religion and a fair trial? If you spent the next ten minutes adding to this list, you might be surprised how your feelings improve. Why is that? Well, we worry because we believe our best life is in the future. When that preferential future set of circumstances fails to arrive, or gets shattered, we are gutted, because that is where we have stored up our emotional treasure – in our future. This is a recipe for mental disaster. But what if we obey Matthew 6:34 and start to think that our best life is now? Sounds ridiculous at first because we are not that excited about our life now. We think our life now is OK, no more. But if you and I can learn to treasure and celebrate every good thing that we do have now, we will start to enjoy our life today. That goes a long way towards reducing worry, because if we are training ourselves to enjoy our life today, we’ll spend less time thinking about the future, and all its various uncertainties and imponderables.