Mexican High Jinks Last Night at Gerrards Cross
Adrian Holloway on January 20, 2011 with 0 CommentsRev Martin Williams, the vicar of St James, Gerrards Cross brought 17 of his un-churched friends to last night’s Alpha Launch! He told me it was no big deal, and I told I him that in all the years I’ve been speaking at these, I’d never known a church leader bring so many guests to an Alpha launch. He praised the team who’d put on the event, who were genuinely outstanding, but I told him that he must be doing something right! He leads a church of 700.
Also, It was the best venue I’ve ever spoken in! Five years ago, the church raised more than £2million to knock down their old church hall and build the St James’ Centre, which is a superb development where the church have 180 kids on a Sunday morning.
The talk went well, and there was a great atmosphere in what looked like a Mexican Restaurant. But on Sundays it’s where my nephews Harry & Ben Walker have their “PromiseLand” programme.
The event was organized by associate pastor Di Rowlandson, and I just want to say something about Di. She was a Vicar’s wife until in 2004, her husband died at the age of 54. I asked how that tragic event had affected her faith. She said: “It has strengthened it, and it’s why I am now so involved in evangelism. It’s shown me how there isn’t much time, and that none of us have got long. We’ve got to get on with reaching the lost.” It was so impressive to see someone so urgently and passionately seeking to reach people, while there is still the opportunity to do so. Di could have felt sorry for herself and asked “why me?” I wouldn’t have blamed her, would you? Yet she’s thrown herself into evangelism, and on last night’s evidence is doing a brilliant job.
It was great to see my sister in law Sarah, and her husband Max, who’ve both been involved in the Alpha programme at St James. 143 of the 144 people who’d bought tickets turned up, which must be some kind of record. http://www.saintjames.org.uk/
Now it’s time to bury my face into sermon preparation as I’m preaching at Christ Church on the resurrection from Matthew 28 this Sunday.