Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Three great days in Milton Keynes!

Three great days in Milton Keynes!

Adrian Holloway on March 6, 2011 with 0 Comments

I’ve spent the past week at the Evangelists’ Summit which I’ve been hosting for the past 8 years. It’s an invitation only event for church-paid evangelists across newfrontiers churches in the UK. We had just under 100 delegates for the conference, and I have taken the liberty of cutting and pasting the first three emails I’ve got since the event ended on Friday. You’ll just have to trust me that these are from real people and not made up quotes:

“Dear Adrian, The Evangelist Summit these past few days has been utterly brilliant.  I wanted to let you know that I found it completely shaping and equipping, as on previous occasions.

“The quality has been staggering.  Each of us those ‘monument-moments’ of hearing teachings that will always stick with us – my list would now include Greg Haslam teaching on the Doctrine of Hell, as well as David Smith’s sessions on Thursday.  Overall I found this summit completely engaging, building and visionary.  The small group session on Wednesday evening was brilliantly useful as well.

“I really wanted to thank you for engaging us all, and giving us evangelists a sense of Team-together within Newfrontiers, and for taking the time to lead us and put this together.  But bottom line is I just wanted you to be encouraged that what you’ve put on will have fruit in my life, and no doubt many others, over many years.”

And here’s the next one . . .

“Hi Adrian – Just wanted to thank you for the Evangelists Summit. It was an incredibly valuable time, excellent programme. Really benefitted from the quad discussion group on the first night and greatly best by all the talks, particularly provoked and inspired by your message this morning!”

And another . . .

“Yo Adrian, Thought  the conference as usual was totally excellent – both the teaching and seminars, and the time and space to network and fellowship….thanks so much to you and the team for your hard work in preparing this.”

Phill Gray, and his team did a great job putting the conference together. I did a talk on the final morning called “Experiences and people that have shaped me.” It was mostly stuff I’ve never said in public before, and it was a highly self-conscious experience, but it was great to look back and give thanks for all the great things that God has done.



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.