Wednesday 22nd January 2025
The land of the revivals!

The land of the revivals!

Adrian Holloway on March 21, 2011 with 0 Comments

Rhiwbina Baptist Church in Cardiff, was packed yesterday and there was a tremendous atmosphere. Even the balcony was full, but people who spoke from there in the meeting could easily be heard by everyone. In fact it really reminded me of the old Wimbledon Baptist Church, where I would often sit upstairs in the balcony. It was my first time at Rhiwbina, who are going for a building project, which will give them more space. Andrew Davies led the meeting with typical dynamism. I did my “Communicating the Gospel in Your World” talk, which seemed to go well! I sat next to Andrew’s wife Liz, who I first met 23 years ago when she was on a year’s evangelism team at Crawley Community Church. They now have 5 children and are doing a great job, and the church is really thriving. This was a pre-visit, ahead of a healing, gospel preaching return from me on 22nd May. I had a great chat with Josh, the new prayer secretary of the University CU. I went to the CU ages ago, in 1991-92, when I did a year’s post-grad journalism studies in Cardiff, which was a great springboard for me. My route home took me past Happy days!



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.