Wednesday 22nd January 2025
“The receptionist thought I was a basket-case!” . . . The story of Erica Black’s healing

“The receptionist thought I was a basket-case!” . . . The story of Erica Black’s healing

Adrian Holloway on April 1, 2011 with 0 Comments

“I was booked in for an operation, but I had to cancel it, because God healed me – and that meant I kept my job!” That was how Erica Black, from Dartford, Kent, summarized the story of her instant and complete recovery from severe carpal tunnel syndrome to 7,000 people at Newday 2010 at the Norfolk County Showground.

Erica had been totally and immediately healed the previous summer, at Newday 2009, but she’d been told by her consultant that despite her transformation, the problem would be back within a year. Erica declared from the stage: “Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s now one year later, and I’m still totally healed.”

Here is some background . . . Around 2005, Erica, who works as a beauty therapist, began to get pain in her hands and wrists, as a result of giving massages, and after visiting her GP, she was diagnosed with repetitive strain and tendonitis. She was advised to wear wrist supports and take some time off work.

The pain gradually got worse over the following years until she got pain in her hands so severely she couldn’t do regular day-to-day tasks like fill up the kettle or drive her car. She revisited her GP, who referred her on.

In May/June 2009 she visited a specialist who confirmed the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome and told her she required two operations, one on either wrist – 3 or 4 months apart. Being self-employed, Erica couldn’t afford to be off work for so long. She postponed her first operation to go to Newday in August 2009, and the operation was booked for September 2009.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the narrowing of the passageway in the wrist through which the median nerve and the tendons to the hand pass. As this passageway narrows it compresses the median nerve causing pain and loss of sensation. If left untreated it can lead to permanent nerve damage.

“They ran some tests, and it turned out that my right hand was severe, and my left was moderate, but it meant surgery. And it meant that I would have to have 3 weeks off of work for one hand, and then a further 3 weeks off of work for the other.

“I nearly had a car crash because the pins and needles were so bad, I nearly smashed my car into a lamp post. That’s when I realised that this condition was potentially dangerous.

“Another key incident was when I dropped a tray of potatoes that only had 4 or 5 potatoes in it. I knew that was ridiculous, but I just couldn’t hold it, it was too heavy.

“When I did massages, my clients would hear my wrists crack and actually say out loud: ‘That’s disgusting’ because the sound was so gross.”

In Erica’s case, she feared it would also lead to un-employment. She explained: “You see, to make things worse still, once you’ve had the surgery, the prognosis isn’t great, there’s a 50 per cent chance that the surgery won’t work. Well, that was a huge blow because I went straight into this career (beauty therapy), and I didn’t have anything else to fall back on. I didn’t have anything else that I could do in terms of work. So there was a lot at stake.”

Erica then described to us the moment when she was healed as I was praying for the sick in August 2009.

“You said ‘place your hand on the part of your body that hurts.’ Well I couldn’t do that could I because the problem was in both my wrists. So I just lifted both my hands up. I was quite skeptical, but then the pins and needles started to lessen in my hands. And they just started to feel light. And the pain started to fade away.

“I said to God ‘I think you’ve healed me, and if you have I’m going to rotate my wrists,’ because they were cracking and clonking. And when I did there wasn’t a single crack or a single clonk.

“I was completely healed.”

She tapped her wrists, which her doctor told her would bring on pins and needles but none came. Her hands were no longer heavy and tight – she had definitely been healed.

Of course a week later, the hospital knew nothing of this, and she was still scheduled for two operations, with the first, just weeks away. She rang the consultant.

“I rang up and spoke to the receptionist, and said: ‘I need to have the test done again for Carpal Tunnel. I’ve been healed by God at a Bible Week.” “The receptionist went silent.

“She was silent for so long that I genuinely thought she must have put the phone down. I said: ‘hello, are you still there?’

“She said: ‘yes, but I don’t know what to write down.’ I think she thought I was a basket case.

“A week later the consultant, Mr Singh, rang me himself. He said: ‘I’ve been told by my colleague that you don’t want to come in for the operation but I don’t understand why, can you explain?’

“I said: ‘I’ve been to a Bible Week and I’ve been healed.’

“He was quite adamant that ‘you will be back on my books in a year,’ but it’s a year later, and I’ve had no problems whatsoever.

“I never had either of the two operations, and have made a complete recovery, for which I thank God with all my heart. It was so sudden that people couldn’t quite believe it, but the problem that had been getting worse and worse for 5 years and caused me so many problems just disappeared, and never came back!”



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.