“Guess what! My 78 year old Dad has just become a Christian” Easter Sunday report from Milton Keynes
Adrian Holloway on April 24, 2011 with 0 CommentsTen people responded for salvation at New Life Church, North Milton Keynes this Easter Sunday morning. The most moving first-time response was from a 78 year old man. His 56 year old son bounded up to me at the end, full of excitement that his Dad had finally been converted.
The church has more than doubled in size since I was last there, (despite planting other churches in Milton Keynes in the meantime) and now meets in a converted warehouse which they purchased 3 or 4 years ago. Richard Wightman who leads the eldership team, made me feel tremendously welcome and I preached on John 3:16 to a very enthusiastic crowd. There were hardly any empty seats, and there was a French translation group towards the back, one of whom responded.
I met a man who I’d heard about previously, but never met before, who has recently been healed of leukemia. He was due to have his legs amputated, and although I can’t recall all the details, he was healed of several very serious conditions when Jim White, (presumably the Jim White associated with the Spokane, Washington Healing Rooms in the USA?) prayed for him over the phone. It was such an unusual testimony that I’ve asked the guy concerned to email me the details.
Anyway, as you can imagine I drove back down the M1 hugely encouraged. I will now celebrate by putting the guinea pigs out in the garden!