Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Just back from Cardiff

Just back from Cardiff

Adrian Holloway on May 23, 2011 with 0 Comments

Twelve people responded to the invitation to become a Christian yesterday when I preached at Rhiwbina Baptist Church in Cardiff.

One of those was a guy who was beaming from ear to ear, I’ve seldom seemed anyone look so happy in my entire life. Afterwards, he told me his name was Wes, and he was delighted to become a Christian. He’s was invited along to church by his friend Chris, who told me afterwards that he had become a Christian himself six years ago through reading my book, The Shock of Your Life.

So I was hugely encouraged by that, and also that when I prayed a blanket prayer for healing, (this was before the sermon) that there were 5 people who immediately said they were healed. All five came to the microphone and told us what had happened.

One of those was a doctor, who is a psychiatrist, (also married to a doctor), she testified that after 9 months of pain in her knee, that the pain gone.

Another report after the service had ended was from a young woman, who said that she had been struggling with Raynaud’s Disease, which at it’s worst turns your toes purple. She said that her toes now looked normal and that the associated pain had gone.

It was a real pleasure to be amongst the guys at Rhiwbina. I stayed on for their student lunch, with a group of 40 or so students.

I then drove to Cheltenham, where I met up with guys from the other six churches which had hosted Front Edge healing guest services that morning in Swindon, Hereford, Coventry, Gloucester, Worcester and Bristol. Adding all the results together we found that 32 people had responded for salvation across the seven participating churches, and that worked out as 33 per cent of the guests who came. This was perhaps the most remarkable statistic of the weekend, that 33 per cent of people invited to one of our guest services, actually responded to an appeal for salvation! There were also many healings reported, the ones at Gloucester sounded particularly impressive.

On Saturday, our Front Edge conference went really well in Worcester. I preached a brand new message on “Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.