Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Me at Holy Trinity Brompton

Me at Holy Trinity Brompton

Adrian Holloway on May 26, 2011 with 0 Comments

On Tuesday 7 June 2011, I will be speaking at an International Alpha Conference session on “Alpha as a strategic mission tool in larger churches” at Holy Trinity Brompton from 9:00am to 11:15am


This session is designed for the senior leaders of larger churches and is followed by an interview with Nicky Gumbel & Archie Coates, led by Tricia Neill.

Paul Davie, who leads Alpha Scotland, will welcome delegates and introduce Mick Woodhead, Rector and team leader from St Thomas Crookes, Sheffield and outline the purpose of the session.  The target delegates are senior pastors who have Alpha running in their churches, but wish to consider how it can be further developed in a larger church context, use it more strategically and innovatively.  The balance of the session is in three parts:

1.  Mick Woodhead talk 9:05-9:45 – to frame the discussion and chart the journey of one larger UK church that has used Alpha strategically over many years and seen growth. Focus on: St Thomas Crookes story, DNA, Missional Strategy, Alpha as Missional tool, Senior Pastor perspective on Alpha in larger church context etc.

2.  Panel 9:50-10:30 – to respond to the issues raised in the talk, share ideas and Alpha experience from UK and abroad. (Chaired by Mick W )

I will be speaking as part of a panel to alongside . . .

John Dickinson: Senior Minister, Carmoney Presbyterian, Northern Ireland. Church of 1000, grown rapidly and gone younger through Alpha. Alpha Resource Church.

Peter Kos: Senior Pastor, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Baptist, 800, many years Alpha and The Marriage Course experience.

Steve Wood, Rector, St Andrew’s Church, Mt Pleasant, South Carolina. USA, 3000 member grown with Alpha, church planting network. New Wine USA.

3. Discussion groups & close 10:35-11:15 – Hosted by Karl Martin

Small group discussion & sharing key insights, ideas and experiences to accelerate Alpha in own church context. (Karl Martin: Senior Pastor, Morningside Baptist Church, Church of 750, with 20 missional communities and Alpha in Student and Adult context. Doubled in last 5 years. Alpha Resource Church)

The interview with Nicky Gumbel and Archie Coates is at 11.45am.



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.