Wednesday 22nd January 2025
All welcome at a “Science Q&A” I’m leading tomorrow night, Jan 19th in Clerkenwell

All welcome at a “Science Q&A” I’m leading tomorrow night, Jan 19th in Clerkenwell

Adrian Holloway on January 18, 2012 with 0 Comments

Everyone is welcome to come to a night designed to equip us to interact with scientific objections to Christianity. Headlines I plan to hit include . . . Evidence for a Big Bang/Creation event; The requirements for a life-bearing planet; Size of the moon and the significance of solar eclipses; Who’s afraid of the Multiverse? How old is the earth? Young Earth vs Old Earth Creationism; A primordial soup? Building the first ever living cell; The origin of DNA; The Cambrian Fossil Explosion; Irreducible complexity; Intelligent design; Climbing Mount Improbable; Micro and Macro Evolution; Is natural selection acting upon random mutation a sufficient motor to take us all the way from a single-celled organism to anatomically-modern humans? Theistic Evolution; What is the evidence that ancient hominids evolved into Homo Sapiens Sapiens? The demise of the ‘multi-regional hypothesis’; Who were the Neaderthals? Who is Homo Ergaster? Who is Y-chromosomal Adam? Who is mitochondrial Eve? When did Adam and Eve live? Where did Cain get his wife from? Global or local flood? How and when did modern humans spread throughout the earth?

Organised by the ChristChurch London Student Team but open to all!
Time: 19:00 – 21:30, St James Church, Clerkenwell Close, London, EC1R 0EA



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.