Just got back from the Community Church, Bishops Stortford, where I presented my new material on the resurrection. It’s based on a historical method, called the “minimal facts” approach. Dr Gary Habermas made a detailed study of 2,200 books and articles that credentialed scholars have published on the resurrection since 1975. Dr. Habermas is considered to have researched the academic output of scholars scrutinizing the resurrection more exhaustively than anyone else. He and his colleague Dr Michael Licona then selected only those facts that the vast majority of scholars including skeptical ones, accept as historical fact.
In other words they ignored other material, including evidence in the New Testament, which was most heavily challenged, by skeptical scholars. They chose to work with only the facts which the overwhelming majority of academics both Christian, and non-Christian consider reliable.
And so using this restrained, cautious approach, I made a case for the resurrection using only 4 minimal facts. Facts that are accepted even by scholars who oppose the resurrection.