Last night I spoke to around 1800 people as the Club One and Thirst venues came together for the first time New Wine LSE at Shepton Mallett. I started off by praying for the sick. Many waved at me to say they’d been immediately healed in the blanket prayer. We managed to get around 20 people come on stage during the worship to tell us exactly what they’d been healed of, which was a great start, especially considering we didn’t do any 1 on 1 prayer. Several testified to long standing problems disappearing. We also had 2 people feint because it was so hot! Summer is finally here! I then preached a gospel message, which seemed to go well, and there were 311 young people who came forward after my invitation to become a Christian, and then went out to the Flava response venue where the excellent Steve Morris, divided them into groups and then led them in prayer as appropriate. It was tremendous to have our two oldest Holloway girls Esther (aged 12) and Bethany (11) in the venue. Earlier in the day I spoke on “Faith & Science” in an afternoon seminar. We had around 200 attend, and had some superb questions.