This morning at City Gate Church’s Alpha Launch
Adrian Holloway on October 14, 2012 with 0 CommentsI’m told there were around 480 people who attended this morning’s Alpha launch services at City Gate Church, Bournemouth, where I presented some new material, speaking to the title: “Keep Searching.” And it was exciting to drive past the site of City Gate’s new building, which is in a prime central location underneath some brand new student accommodation. They hope to move in during 2013. In this morning’s talk, I contrasted the views of a giant of British C20th philosophy, Bertrand Russell, with those of Jesus of Nazareth. Russell said that the only foundation we can build our lives on is one of “unyielding despair” (i.e seeing as God doesn’t exist, life is ultimately pointless.) It was exciting to talk about Jesus by contrast, saying “I am the truth.” I then ran through the Kalam Cosmological Argument for the existence of God, the Fine-Tuning Argument, the Mystery of Life’s Origin, the case for the reliability of the New Testament and my 4 minimal facts on the resurrection. I’m not sure I did much justice to any of these points, but I quoted from Paul Davies, Francis Crick, Sir Roger Penrose and Albert Einstein, so it was fun, even if was a bit rushed.