16 salvation responses and 7 healings at Grace Church Chichester this morning
Adrian Holloway on November 18, 2012 with 0 Comments16 people responded for salvation and 7 people were healed at Grace Church, Chichester this morning. There were around 380 people there, and in the first service we were off to a flying start with 4 people healed immediately in the blanket prayer. They all came up to the microphone straight away and then there was another great testimony from the 1 on 1 prayer time, but we then ran out of time and the lady, whose name was Linda never got to share her story. So we were trying to pack a lot into 90 minutes, and in fact I preached about 5 minutes too long anyway, but there was a great atmosphere, boosted by the most phenomenal heater, which literally blows hot air into an otherwise freezing warehouse, so I was toasting all the way through the sermon and 9 people responded for salvation. So all that was in the 9.30am service, which was fairly full. The second service, which is the congregation that will soon (early 2013) be meeting in Bognor Regis, also had a tremendous start with a man who said he had lost the hearing in one ear being immediately healed. He said he was totally deaf in one ear at the start of the service, but after prayer in the name of Jesus he said he could now hear perfectly. He said he was delighted because now he could listen to the cricket commentary on the radio! There was also a young man who’d been injured in a car crash a month ago, who told us that he’d been healed from his injuries. The congregation was much smaller in the second service, but we still had 7 people respond for salvation. So before driving home, I said a huge well done in God to Steve & Jo Petch who have pioneered such a great church. (They are good friends who have house-swapped with us in Fulham in the past.) The church only started I think 6 years ago, certainly after Christ Church London started in 2004, so they’ve done amazingly well to have so many people so quickly. And it was great to see two of my old friends in the congregation Doug Rotberg who was with us in the early 1990s at Reigate & Redhill Community Church, and Stuart Foster, who was one of the people I first met after I’d become a Christian at Queens Road Church, Wimbledon back in the late 1980s.