8 healings and 8 responses for salvation at City Church, Sheffield yesterday afternoon.
Adrian Holloway on November 26, 2012 with 0 CommentsThere were 8 healings and 8 people responded for salvation when I spoke at City Church, Sheffield yesterday afternoon. I spoke twice at the Front Edge conference in Bolton on Saturday, and then drove across to Sheffield. I did need the help of 3 AA patrol vans to get me there, and I ended up arriving at the Jubilee Centre in a hire car. I guess there were around 350 people in the meeting. And the whole thing went really well. I am hugely grateful to Arnold and Mary Bell, who lead the church, who put me up overnight and coped admirably with having an AA man parked up outside their house for almost the whole duration of my stay. While I was in Sheffield, I heard a remarkable healing testimony from someone who was healed at North when I prayed for healing in August, and I got another great testimony when Steve Petch who leads Grace Church, Chichester phoned me as I was driving home down the M1, so I am hugely encouraged that we are not only seeing more healings, but also more remarkable healings. I’m now gearing up for 2 big Carol Services in Birmingham tomorrow. It’s Christmas already!