Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Here’s a photo from the 2 great carol services in the Great Hall at University of Birmingham last night

Here’s a photo from the 2 great carol services in the Great Hall at University of Birmingham last night

Adrian Holloway on November 28, 2012 with 0 Comments

Here’s a photo! I so enjoyed speaking in the superb Great Hall at the heart of Birmingham University last night at the CU Carol Services. The venue was full for the 8.00pm service with around 1,000 in attendance. Earlier around 300 attended the 5.00pm service. The choir were superb, and the event was brilliantly organised by Leah Staples. It’s too early for any details as yet in terms of the response, (as this was done by cards) but the feedback from those I spoke to was so encouraging. It was a great privilege to be asked. I know speakers always say that, but it is the overwhelming thing I feel right now.



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He leads The Beacon Church, Camberley, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.