Report on 3 Carol Services in Bedford last night
Adrian Holloway on December 24, 2012 with 0 CommentsThrilled to speak at two Carol Services last night at Brickhill Baptist Church, Bedford (photo attached) and then as I stepped outside into the winter night, what finer sight could there be than Andy Martin with his engine running to drive me the 2 miles to Woodside Church, where I sneaked in the back during the second carol and I had the privilege of speaking there also. The Woodside guys said they had had 200 more people attend this years Carols than last (and even though I was only there for their 8.00pm service, I thought they’d done a brilliant job). That was my last Carol Service of 2012, and I was unusually elated driving home and I’d just like to thank everyone who’s supported me during this Christmas season as I have criss-crossed the UK presenting good news. Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.