Defending / Video
Jesus on the couch: I’m Very Happy In Life – Why Do I Need Jesus?
Adrian Holloway on September 14, 2014 with 0 CommentsMany people think that Christianity as a crutch for weak people. Others never consider Jesus because they have no un-met felt needs. But Jesus claimed that God had sent him into the world so that we might not “perish” (John 3:16). By telling the story of his own life, Adrian explores that danger and also presents 3 positive reasons why we need Jesus, arguing that as well as “eternal life”, that 1. Christ’s peace (John 14:27). 2. Christ’s Personality (John 14.20) and Christ’s Provision of the Father’s love (e.g. Luke 15:20) are all available to us in this life. And that Christians can go beyond happiness and experience Christian joy.